Latest regulatory roundup in global data protection and privacy

The new EU Data Act enters into force The EU regulation on harmonized rules on fair access to and use of data, (the Data Act) was published in the EU’s official journal on 22 December 2023, and entered into force on 11 January 2024.  The Data Act sets rules for accessing and using data [...]

By |2024-01-31T15:01:23+00:0029th January, 2024|DPO, Governments, News|

The AI Act’s near final draft

On 22 January, journalist Luca Bertuzzi leaked a final draft of the EU’s long-awaited AI Act. While the EU’s institutions reached a broad agreement on the AI Act late last year, some technical details remained to be ironed out. The leaked draft of the AI Act is not absolutely final, but it includes almost [...]

By |2024-01-31T13:29:34+00:0028th January, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, DPO, Governments, News|

US Privacy Law 2024: New legislation, an enforcement sweep (And it’s only January)

2023 was a landmark year for privacy in the US, with five new comprehensive privacy laws taking effect, strong enforcement at the federal level, and new laws passing across the states. But 2024 could prove even more significant.  FTC enforcement  The year began with yet another privacy case from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), [...]

By |2024-01-31T13:26:22+00:0027th January, 2024|DPO, Governments, News|

EDPB’s Data Protection Officer research shows significant compliance gaps 

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has published a report of its investigation into Data Protection Officers (DPOs). The research reveals that DPOs in many organisations lack sufficient resources to fulfil their tasks, and sometimes hold senior positions that could present a conflict of interest.  DPO requirements under the GDPR  The GDPR requires an organisation [...]

By |2024-01-25T12:00:23+00:0022nd January, 2024|DPO, Governments, News|
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