How privacy teams can prepare for the EU AI Act coming into force

As the EU AI Act officially comes into force in August, we are set to see a phased implementation over the next few years. With the clock ticking, DPOs have an important role to play in supporting businesses to urgently assess AI policies and meet complex compliance requirements.   For the DPO, key considerations in [...]

By |2024-08-02T15:02:29+01:002nd August, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, DPO, Governments, News|

As the European Council adopts the AI Act, here are three recent AI developments from outside the EU

The European Council adopted the AI Act on 21 May, marking one of many steps on the path towards stronger AI regulation. The law will be published in the EU’s Official Journal in the coming weeks and will start to take effect 20 days later.  The AI Act’s first substantial impact will come six months [...]

By |2024-05-30T08:52:45+01:0022nd May, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, DPO, Governments, News|

ESG will become mandatory for thousands of companies by 2027 Here’s how improved data protection can help you prepare

Under the EU’s new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), thousands of companies will soon have to consider Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues for the first time. The EU always requires some companies to report their impact on the environment and society across many different fields -from carbon emissions to gender representation. The CSRD will [...]

By |2024-03-28T11:11:17+00:0025th March, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, DPO, Governments, News|

As new AI law pass, remember: AI is already regulated

This month, the European Parliament approved the AI Act, which it called the “first regulation on artificial intelligence.” In the US, Utah passed the AI Policy Act, with some declaring it America’s first private-sector AI law. As organisations increase their use of AI, we need new laws to help manage new risks. But this [...]

By |2024-03-27T15:42:15+00:0024th March, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, DPO, Governments, News|

AI regulation in the EU and the UK: Two diverging approaches

The UK government has detailed its AI regulation plans, describing a “common sense” framework with no new legislation initially planned. In the EU, one of the impacts of the highly ambitious AI Act is the potential to add around 5% in compliance costs to affected software developers.  By relying on the existing powers of [...]

By |2024-02-29T18:28:21+00:0013th February, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, DPO, News|

The AI Act’s near final draft

On 22 January, journalist Luca Bertuzzi leaked a final draft of the EU’s long-awaited AI Act. While the EU’s institutions reached a broad agreement on the AI Act late last year, some technical details remained to be ironed out. The leaked draft of the AI Act is not absolutely final, but it includes almost [...]

By |2024-01-31T13:29:34+00:0028th January, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, DPO, Governments, News|

EU agrees landmark deal on regulation of artificial intelligence

The EU Council presidency and the European Parliament have provisionally agreed on a unified AI regulation for Europe. These proposed rules aim to guarantee the safe use of AI systems in the EU market, ensuring they comply with fundamental rights and EU values.   The deal refines the definition of an AI system to clearly [...]

By |2023-12-21T09:14:47+00:0019th December, 2023|Artificial Intelligence, Brexit, DPO, Governments, News|

Addressing data discrimination in Artificial Intelligence technologies

Celebrating International Women’s Day (IWD) proffered HewardMills with a renewed focus to disintegrate bias and amplify the voices of women. In a time where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing, there are growing concerns to address this powerful tool. Although AI is incredibly effective, it may potentially cause intrinsic harm to an individuals’ privacy [...]

By |2023-05-24T14:21:41+01:0019th May, 2023|Artificial Intelligence, DPO, Governments, International|

The EU AI Framework

Start preparing your business for the EU Framework on artificial intelligence The EU Framework on artificial intelligence (AI), consisting of a regulation establishing harmonised rules on AI (the AI act), and a directive adopting non-contractual civil liability rules to AI (the AI Liability Directive) is expected to be adopted in 2024 or 2025. It [...]

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