Jamaica begins data controller registration under Data Protection Act

On June 1, 2024, Jamaica's Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC) began accepting applications for data controller registration as mandated by section 15 of the Data Protection Act of 2020. This marks the start of a phased compliance process following the Act's initial enforcement in December 2021 and further sections activated in December 2023.  [...]

By |2024-06-28T10:23:02+01:0024th June, 2024|DPO, Governments, International, News|

Texas Data Privacy and Security Act: The most significant US privacy law yet?

The Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (TDPSA) takes effect on 1 July. So far, around 20 US states have passed comprehensive privacy legislation, but only five such laws have taken effect.   Like most other states, Texas has adopted a law similar to the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCPDA)—but the “Lone Star State” [...]

By |2024-06-28T10:20:58+01:0023rd June, 2024|DPO, Governments, International, News|

Data Health checks in healthcare sector

Unlocking the Key to Compliance: Data Privacy Health Checks for Healthcare Organisations  Healthcare companies are some of the biggest targets of cyber-attacks, with health data being a particularly sensitive form of personal data.   Healthcare organisations store, maintain and transmit vast amounts of data to support the delivery of efficient and appropriate patient care. [...]

By |2023-10-20T20:55:44+01:0031st July, 2023|DPO, Governments, International, Life Sciences|

UK and US announce Atlantic Declaration on cooperation on AI and data transfers

On June 8, 2023, the United States and the United Kingdom jointly announced the Atlantic Declaration, outlining a new economic partnership for the twenty-first century. The declaration acknowledges the long-standing bond between the two nations and establishes a framework for enhanced cooperation in critical areas such as data transfers and artificial intelligence (AI).  It [...]

By |2023-10-20T20:56:47+01:0030th July, 2023|Data Transfer, DPO, Governments, International|

New Nigeria data protection law

On June 12 2023, the Data Protection Bill 2023 (now the Data Protection Act 2023) was enacted into law, providing new legal protections for personal data in Nigeria. The bill also established the Nigeria Data Protection Commission (NDPC), led by a National Commissioner, Dr Vincent Olatunji, previously the National Commissioner of the Nigeria Data [...]

By |2023-10-20T20:57:24+01:0029th July, 2023|DPO, Governments, International, Nigeria|

The Italian Supervisory Authority imposes a €676,956 fine for data protection failures on Sorgenia S.p.A.

Last month, Italy’s Sorgenia S.p.A. was fined €676,956 for violating the General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) relating to promotional calls. In addition to the fine, the Italian supervisory authority (Garante Per la Protezione Dei Dati Personali) applied other corrective measures to be implemented within 40 days after the decision notification.  The fine related to [...]

By |2023-10-20T20:58:07+01:0028th July, 2023|DPO, Fine, Governments, International|

Sound of Silence: Sweden Slaps Spotify with SEK 58m Fine for Mishandling Data Subject Requests

On June 13, 2023, the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (IMY) imposed a fine of SEK 58 million (around £5 million) on Spotify for breaching the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The fine was issued after Spotify allegedly failed to comply with GDPR provisions relating to data subject rights. The decision followed an investigation [...]

By |2023-10-20T20:58:35+01:0027th July, 2023|DPO, Fine, Governments, International|

Five years of DPO Excellence

HewardMills is very proud of what we have accomplished over the last 5 years! Without the continuous support from our global team of cybersecurity and data protection professionals, this would not have been possible. We wish to thank each and every client for trusting and going on this journey with us. We look forward to [...]

By |2023-10-20T20:59:34+01:0029th June, 2023|DPO, Governments, International|

Microsoft facing an uninsurable $425m fine in relation to LinkedIn targeted advertising

Microsoft, parent company of LinkedIn, recently disclosed that it had taken a $425m charge in relation to an Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) investigation into LinkedIn targeted advertising practices, which allegedly violated the GDPR:  “After review and analysis, the company will increase its existing reserve for the matter and, based on current exchange rates [...]

By |2023-10-20T20:59:54+01:0027th June, 2023|Data Breaches, DPO, International, News|

Five years strong – HewardMills’ journey to delivering global data dignity

Did you know that the electronic device you’re reading this on evolved from its earliest form, as a mega-machine designed to crunch and process large volumes of data for the military, almost a hundred years ago? From that came the personal computer (as opposed to industrial computers) and now we all walk around with [...]

By |2023-10-20T21:00:24+01:0026th June, 2023|DPO, Governments, International|
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