The key role of governance in making business better

Earlier this month, HewardMills participated in the inaugural B Corp Festival in Oxford, a two-day event assembling the largest gathering of B Corps to date. With a theme of ‘Louder than Words’, it was a great opportunity to connect with businesses from numerous sectors, all driven by a common purpose to actively create a [...]

By |2024-09-27T11:11:16+01:0026th September, 2024|B Corp, DPO|

Why your clinical trials need a DPO: key data protection considerations for compliance

When starting a clinical trial, safeguarding patient privacy is one of many aspects of regulatory compliance to implement from the outset. With many other considerations to take care of, working closely with a Data Protection Officer (DPO) can make the job of complying with key privacy regulations a lot easier. In this three-part series, [...]

By |2024-09-27T14:51:07+01:0024th September, 2024|DPO, Life Sciences|

Saudi Arabia’s Personal Data Protection Law comes into force

Saudi Arabia’s Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) came into effect in September, requiring companies operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to ensure the stringent data protection laws are strictly complied with. Widely based on the EU’s GDPR, the PDPL is designed to safeguard personal information and regulate data handling practices, reflecting Saudi [...]

By |2024-09-27T11:05:32+01:0023rd September, 2024|DPO, Governments, Saudi Arabia|

Australia’s federal government introduces a ‘Privacy & Other Legislation’ Bill

On 12th September 2024, the Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (the Bill) was introduced in Australia’s House of Representatives, proposing changes to the existing federal Privacy Act 1998 (Privacy Act) and making it more relevant in the digital age. The Bill strives to advance privacy reforms in Australia, through provisions for children's online [...]

By |2024-09-27T11:02:46+01:0022nd September, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, DPO, Governments, Right to Privacy|

The impact of ‘International Treaty for AI’ on global data protection management

As governance around the use of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, regulators are keeping pace by demonstrating a commitment to work together on shaping a global framework. On September 5th the UK, US, and EU, along with Israel and Norway, signed the first international treaty aimed at addressing the potential risks associated with [...]

By |2024-09-27T10:52:10+01:0020th September, 2024|Artificial Intelligence, Data Breaches, DPO, Governments, News|

Why DPOs and privacy teams need to consider adequate cross-border data transfers mechanisms critical for data protection compliance 

The Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) has fined Uber an unprecedented €290 Million fine related to a breach of GDPR cross-border data transfer rules.  In a case that has somewhat divided opinion in the data protection and privacy space, the regulator ruled that transferring EU drivers' personal data to U.S. servers without adequate Standard [...]

By |2024-09-09T14:40:03+01:009th September, 2024|Data Breaches, DPO, Governments, News, Works council|
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