HewardMills is proud to support the Cyber Essentials certification. Cyber Essentials is an initiative backed by the UK Government to help organisations “guard against the most common cyber threats and demonstrate a commitment to cybersecurity.” Benefits of the certification include:
- Reassuring stakeholders that you are working to secure your systems against cyber-attack
- Showing partners that you have cybersecurity measures in place
- Giving a clear picture of your cybersecurity level
We ourselves have Cyber Essentials accreditation to demonstrate our robust system in place that protects both HewardMills’ and client data. Cyber Essentials shows we are mitigating against any potential threats to our data and that our platforms and way of doing business are compliant with external standards.
The rise of home working has underlined the importance of organisations having robust cybersecurity measures in place. The number of cyber-attacks has risen more than 400% during the Covid pandemic and many companies have fallen victim to attack simply because their employees did not take basic precautions to secure their IT equipment.
Most companies rely on third-party platforms for their IT services. Being subject to an attack could mean your account is shut down temporarily. Having cybersecurity measures in place is therefore important for business continuity, even for small and medium-sized enterprises.
We have achieved the Cyber Essentials certification to demonstrate best practice, ensuring we maintain and constantly strengthen our IT systems. On a recurring basis, our legal and IT teams come together to draft and keep up-to-date policies and procedures to offer robust protection for our organisation’s and our clients’ data.
The whole company worked together to achieve certification, so it was a real team effort. Thanks to all involved!